with Thane Maynard (and Lucy the bearcat) of the Cincinnati Zoo,
September 2008, UC Night at the Zoo
I bet you've heard the news already - Nancy Zimpher is poised to leave the University of Cincinnati to become chancellor of the State University of New York system.
Or, at least that what several major media outlets are saying (Hi, New York Times!).
Here at UC, mum is the word. Zimpher admits only that she has been approached about the position. In a statement issued on Monday, she said "It is not uncommon for me to receive such inquiries. I see it as recognition of the progress made by the University of Cincinnati on academic quality and accountability, urban issues, our strong research program and our collaborative endeavors throughout the region and state."
Gee, thanks for addressing the matter directly, Nancy.
UC spokeman Greg Hand and SUNY spokesman David Henahan are also holding the party line, stating no decision has been made.
The SUNY system is comprised of 64 campuses and has more than 500,000 students.
As a former student of a SUNY college (Oneonta!), I think this job would be big. Very big and very prestigious. Zimpher, if offered the position, would have to be crazy to decline it.
But if she were to accept it, UC would be left in the lurch - or would it?
The truth is, Zimpher has been a polarizing figure on campus and in the region. It seems people love her or hate her. I seldom hear of a middle ground; there is no ambivalence when it comes to UC's president.
So I invite you to share your thoughts. Do you love what she's done for academics and research, or are you still holding a torch for Hugs? Will be UC be lost without her or will time move on?
Should she stay or should she go?
(Please feel free to identify yourself in any comments you leave - I may contact you for a future article on this subject.)
Or, at least that what several major media outlets are saying (Hi, New York Times!).
Here at UC, mum is the word. Zimpher admits only that she has been approached about the position. In a statement issued on Monday, she said "It is not uncommon for me to receive such inquiries. I see it as recognition of the progress made by the University of Cincinnati on academic quality and accountability, urban issues, our strong research program and our collaborative endeavors throughout the region and state."
Gee, thanks for addressing the matter directly, Nancy.
UC spokeman Greg Hand and SUNY spokesman David Henahan are also holding the party line, stating no decision has been made.
The SUNY system is comprised of 64 campuses and has more than 500,000 students.
As a former student of a SUNY college (Oneonta!), I think this job would be big. Very big and very prestigious. Zimpher, if offered the position, would have to be crazy to decline it.
But if she were to accept it, UC would be left in the lurch - or would it?
The truth is, Zimpher has been a polarizing figure on campus and in the region. It seems people love her or hate her. I seldom hear of a middle ground; there is no ambivalence when it comes to UC's president.
So I invite you to share your thoughts. Do you love what she's done for academics and research, or are you still holding a torch for Hugs? Will be UC be lost without her or will time move on?
Should she stay or should she go?
(Please feel free to identify yourself in any comments you leave - I may contact you for a future article on this subject.)
Please leave as quickly as humanly possible. Your attitude toward UC's Pre-Zimpher alumni is atrocious--that alone should disqualify you as President of our University.
ReplyDeleteThat carpetbagger should GO. I'm sorry but UC's promising future does not begin with beer tastings at the catskeller.
ReplyDeletewhoever fires bob huggins doesnt deserve to be at uc
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think it would be pretty shitty of her to leave UC right after she and rest of the Board of Trustees decided to go forward with the semester conversion over the protestations of students. Obviously, student interests aren't even remotely considered in her decisions, but she shouldn't just jump ship and leave everyone else to deal with the inevitable mess this will cause.
ReplyDeleteI agree that her comments about "pre-Zimpher" alumni have left a bitter taste in my mouth (CCM '71). I have not renewed my alumni membership since she fired Huggins. Not because I thought she shouldn't or couldn't do it, but because of the way she did it.
ReplyDeleteLET HER GO! She's not doing anything that some of our past football coaches have done, i.e., using UC as a stepping stone. I was holding out hope that she would go to her alma mater (OSU) and clean up their sports program!
I think she should go. I didslike some of the things she has done at UC. I am glad that I only had to spend one year at UC while she was President. Thank goodness for graduation. GO HUGGINS!!!!! Zimpher is/was public enemy #1 in Cincinnati (behind MIke Brown)!
ReplyDeleteIf Zimpher would leave Cincinnati, It would rank as one of the greatest things to ever happen to this fine university. She has alienated many prestigious alumni, angered many fans, and has complete disregard for the opinions of current students. She is god awful, and UC is better off without her.
ReplyDeleteNancy Zimpher should not just leave things half-finished: her Performance-based budgeting, quarters to semesters etc..But I am at least glad maybe Performance-based budgeting will not go through..
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I've heard some universities who had the system did not have the best results. This is not a corporate-like entity. We are a university.
How about enrolling more students without increasing any other services at UC? Quality vs. Quantity, anyone?
I also believe she does not really place the students in the 'center', but is more interested in making herself look successful, while disregarding certain demographics in UC.
In the end, I am glad Zimpher is leaving. Goodbye, Nancy.
Is that a bearcat? They're real?
ReplyDeleteI am so glad she is leaving!!!! I graduated from UC in 1981 and my son went
ReplyDeletethere also. She was all about herself and appearances, but lacking on
substance. I'm thrilled to see her go!!!!!
Nancy leaving UC is almost like the end of 8 years of Bush. You know it is the best thing to happen but there is hardly anything worse left to happen. I hope we get someone good for a change, someone who really listens to students and "places them at the center".
ReplyDeleteNancy is one smart cow. She must have been eying this position for long. She definitely did not any intentions to stay much longer at UC; why else will someone antagonize the students and alumni alike. I hope the guys at SUNY are smarter that they seem to be and realize that whatever pluses Nancy has brought to the accounting books is a result of pissed off students and alumni.
ReplyDeleteI must say I agree with previous comments about Zimpher not listening to students. As a graduate student active in University politics, I have seen her cold shoulder to (graduate and commuter) student concerns one too many times. Fancy speeches, a "21" point plan, and those big fake smiles from her do not equate to actually /listening/ to students.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the Huggins comments, I think they're completely unnecessary. He was driving drunk, right? Which is against the law AND his contract right? What kind of a University would we be if it was "ok" for a University official and representative to not face the consequences of making poor decisions, ESPECIALLY if he had a recruit with him? What kind of role modelling would that set for UC students and the community? I have never understood why people can't accept that he broke the law, and his contract, so he should have to go. However, I do agree that the contract-run around, by both the University AND Huggins, was too much.
Can she take the parking administration with her? Zimpher and the parking admins made one of the greatest sucking sounds Cincinnati has seen since the subway system. Is anyone considering criminal charges?