Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dunking Hannity's head and holding it underwater 6 times a day, every day for a month

Just feel the urge to share this little gem with y'all ...

I think it speaks for itself.

On a side note, once upon a time, in a land far, far away and sometimes known as New York, I met Sean Hannity. I was working in the book biz and was managing a signing event. The man I met is not the same bombastic idiot who hosts the FOX program and the syndicated radio show. Basically -- act surprised -- it is basically an act. Sort of like I imagine Howard Stern to be.

Hannity was actually very gracious and relatively charming in person.

Go figure.

I guess, though, that he must believe the drivel that comes out of his mouth at least a little bit.

FYI, I'm not especially an Olbermann fan either. I kind of think he is Hannity in some weird alternate universe.

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